ELT Management

Dealing with criticism

Criticism hurts. Hence, it can be stressful, tense and sometimes traumatic. Still, it is such a natural part of life, including professional life, that knowing how to make the best out of it is an important skill for us to keep emotionally healthy. Below I list a few aspects to consider and that can prove...Read More

In Search of a Latin American Identity for CLIL

CLIL has been the starting point for the majority of bilingual education programs and methodologies across the globe. Born in 1994 with the establishment of the European Community, CLIL was an attempt to standardize bilingual education approaches within the comunity, or at least to determine a range of  practices that, based on a common concept,...Read More

5 trends in teaching: ideas for professional development

Imagine you are feeling a little feverish. What do you do? Bloodletting, of course! You Google the nearest barbershop and get an Uber there so the barber can slash a vein and cure you by removing foul humours from your body. If you’re lucky, they may even use leeches! This may sound absurd to you,...Read More

Education and Leadership: promoting change

  Every professional in the realm of education has the power to influence positive change, for instance, aligning theory to practice as extensively discussed. In this post, leadership will be brought to light for a discussion on how educational leaders may contribute to building the learning environment and causing a great impact on education. Firstly,...Read More

Bilingual education – the path to a new school

When Ofelia Garcia in her book Bilingual Education in the 21st Century – a Global Perspective  states that “bilingual education is the only possible education in the 21st century”, what does she mean by that? Is she saying that she envisages a future with only bilingual schools? Bilingual Education, for a lot of people, is...Read More

7 dicas para começar a dar aulas particulares

Trabalhar como autônomo envolve riscos. Isso não significa que temos que aceita-los sem fazer nada a respeito. Em minha experiência como professor particular (por cerca de 18 anos), teacher trainer e empreendedor, pude aprender várias formas de mitigar esses riscos. Segue abaixo: 1- Tenha um contrato! Ter um contrato cria um efeito psicológico interessante. Embora...Read More

Consultative sales in ELT: How to boost your sales conversion using this sales strategy?

It’s the beginning of the year.  Private teachers and educational managers are looking for new students while retaining the current ones. However, one area of weakness in keeping with most ELT professionals lies in their sales techniques. Therefore, by brushing up on their sales pitch, we may improve dramatically their conversion and, ultimately, their revenue....Read More

Burnout in ELT

Photo from ELTPics by Branislav Kubecka  I’d like to thank all EFL/ESL teachers who agreed to participate and collaborate in my research of this important issue.   Burnout:  physical or mental collapse caused by overwork or stress (Oxford dictionary). Burnout is a theme which seems to have been frequently discussed among EFL teachers recently. I myself have reflected about it...Read More
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