
Lost in Translation – O uso da tradução na sala de aula (Parte 2)

Olá a todos! Continuando minha última postagem sobre o uso da tradução na sala de aula (off topic – nesse meio tempo, entre um post e outro, acabei de traduzir um manual de RPG de 441 páginas… Ufa!), vamos a algumas dicas de possíveis utilizações com os alunos. Tradução requer, como praticamente tudo na sala de...Read More

Lost in Translation – O uso da tradução na sala de aula

Olá a todos e todas! Para este post de hoje, resolvi trazer um pouco à baila um assunto que tem a ver com uma das minhas atividades profissionais relacionadas à língua inglesa. Sou tradutor, atualmente trabalhando mais com livros de RPG (para saber um pouco mais sobre isso, leia meu post). Entretanto, sempre que posso,...Read More

We (still) need to talk about English

As I’m writing this post I’m thinking about my English skills as a non-native speaker. I’m aware of the fact that my English is far from being perfect and I can’t expect it to be flawless. Nonetheless, I consider myself a successful English learner-teacher as far as language is concerned for one simple reason: I see...Read More

Dictionaries are a teacher’s best friend!

Once upon a time, a colleague entered the teachers’ lounge with a vocabulary question. Nobody could think of the answer, myself included, so I took the Oxford Collocations Dictionary off the shelf. I knew it was a long shot, as hers was not a collocation-related question, but by looking up the mysterious word’s common collocates,...Read More

Have you ever wondered why English is the way it is?

“So now you must choose… Are you a child who has not yet become world-weary? Or are you a philosopher who will vow never to become so? To children, the world and everything in it is new, something that gives rise to astonishment. It is not like that for adults. Most adults accept the world...Read More
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