ELT Management

The challenge of wearing two hats

My whole formal educational background is academic, from my B.A. in Journalism, to my master’s in Teaching English as a Second Language and my doctorate in Education. Everything I have published so far is academic, about learning and teaching. Most of my presentations in conferences are about academic topics, ranging from second language writing, assessment,...Read More

Taking the road less traveled by: Reflecting on class projects

  “And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back.” Robert Frost (1874-1963) It’s the beginning of the semester and you are still getting to know your...Read More

The Challenge of embracing Challenges – part 1

I was looking for an inspiring article about motivation when I came across Bruce Dixon’s entitled ‘The Value of a Cold Shower’. It starts by questioning the kind of expectations we have when we attend the opening keynote at a conference. Dixon asks us: ‘Do you want to be entertained, informed, inspired or provoked, or...Read More

Is the Brazilian ELT industry racist?

A few days ago, the Rio de Janeiro Secretary of Education criticized the actress Tais Araujo for her TED Talk in which she shares some of the challenges she will soon encounter as a mother of black children. The Secretary described it as ‘racial stupidity’. Needless to say, I was shocked to hear that. It...Read More

“Dress for the job you want”: rethinking attitude at work

How many times have you said or heard the phrase “when I get the job/ promotion, I will…”? It is usually because in a different position one may have more time, money or opportunities. Depending on what we complete the sentence with it might make sense and reflect necessary conditions for a different action. However,...Read More

Active participation encouraged – on organizing events

Last Saturday I had the pleasure of attending an event at the Braz-Tesol BH Chapter, “The 5 Cs in the 21st Century”. Flawlessly organized by Bia Hedegaard and her amazing team, this was the first event I went to after being involved in the organization of “BrELT on The Road”. One of the plenaries featured the...Read More

The AAA of feedback: towards constructive change

One of my favourite areas to research and study is feedback and the impact that the contribution of others have in teacher development. In this text I will focus on three different features feedback may take depending on tone, intention or professional relationship of those involved: affection, assertiveness and aggression. In general terms, Bill Gates helped us spread...Read More

Estratégias de vendas e negociação em ELT

Ser autônomo ou ter uma escola de idiomas é extremamente desafiador, especialmente no processo de venda dos serviços educacionais. Há quem pense que vendas é uma arte, mas também é um processo racional com técnicas específicas que visam aumentar as chances de sucesso. A imagem abaixo representa um fluxograma de vendas em ELT e iremos...Read More
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