Classroom Experiences

The Big Picture of Language Learning

“Novices become acquainted with activities not only from their own and others’ attempts to define what transpires in an activity, but also from how those participating in the activity respond to them.” Elinor Ochs, in “Becoming a Speaker of A Culture.” (2002) I have just read Elinor Ochs’ article entitled ‘Becoming a Speaker of a Culture,’...Read More

“Close Encounters of the Third Kind”* – Part I

          Or “When Pre-Teens First Meet the Dreaded Older Male Teacher” Based on a true story. When I thought about writing this post, thinking back to the time when I first started teaching was unavoidable. I was quite young, in my early 20’s, when I was asked to teach some groups of...Read More

They haven’t understood it yet.

This week I came across the photo below on different friends’ timelines:   Under the photo you read: ‘The perfect place for a cell phone while classes take place!’ Reactions to the photo varied. Some of these friends thought this was a good idea. Some, on the other hand, criticised it. Two of these comments...Read More

I Want An Alien For Christmas! An Alien English Speaker!

I have recently embarked on a little adventure of leaving my language-centre-teaching comfort zone and teaching regular schools in the State Public School System. Little did I know how much ground one still needs to cover when facing such challenge. Especially, when you hear the utterances that give this text its very title. I have...Read More

5 fenômenos que afetam sua fluência

Todo estudante de língua estrangeira sonha com o tempo em que estará falando “fluentemente” o idioma escolhido. Dentre os principais mitos citados no artigo 7 conceitos de fluência e o que você deveria saber a respeito dela, um dos mais frequentes é o de que ser fluente significa falar sem pausas. E não é pra...Read More
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