
Online or offline

Yesterday, the results of an interesting study (the National Study of Online Charter Schools) were released. The findings are particularly relevant to all those involved in education (teachers, lawmakers, education providers, etc). The report, from researchers at the University of Washington, Stanford University and the Mathematica policy research group, found that those students doing online...Read More

#PocketPD: Digital Literacy in Small Doses for Educators

I still remember when I considered productive having a big room full of teachers for a training session on computer skills. It is still vivid in my mind the beginning of Google in which I’d have trainings with teachers on “How to effectively use Google Search”. Were you there when Geocities was around? That was...Read More

A vida não é um cursinho de inglês…

Esta semana, surfando na internet, me deparei com um meme bastante bem humorado que me chamou a atenção, arrancando aquele sorriso típico de quem admite para si mesmo: ‘genial!’ Eis aqui o dito cujo: Não obstante o riso quase que inevitável, por de trás do bom humor (através de um símile que faz alusão ao estereótipo...Read More
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