english teacher

Podcasts as a Learning Activator for Educators

Have you ever considered the good side of waiting in line, being stuck in a traffic jam, waiting at the doctor’s office?  Well, you might feel mad, impatient, or even cranky. But wait? Is there a way to change all these negative feelings into the opposite spectrum, like feeling energized, inspired and wanting to change...Read More

Be the change you want to see in your school

Two weeks ago, at the Independence Day holiday, I had the pleasure of moderating a BrELT Chat with one of the sweetest people you will ever meet at the BrELT on the Road 2018: Veruska Gallo. Our discussion was focused on bringing professional development to the school we work for. DISCLAIMER: this is not a...Read More

Do English Language Teachers Need coaching? I do.

Images Credits: My previous post, Burnout in ELT  ( )  made me think of the theme Coaching for teachers, since it could be of good help to prevent burnout or, perhaps,  it could be included in the treatment of it. I have recently attended the 52th IATEFL Conference in Brighton and, to my surprise,...Read More

An ELT Teacher – A Profession or Occupation?

We language educators often get asked what else we do apart from teaching English. Now, this takes the biscuits on the grounds that some people are hell-bent on this to mystify whether we take our profession seriously or not. It is generally known that an L2 teacher is supposed to be someone graduated, qualified or...Read More

Feito é mesmo melhor que perfeito?

Sabe aquela insegurança horrível de não sentir firmeza no chão antes de dar qualquer próximo passo? Bom, eu passo por isso e entendo perfeitamente quem também está na mesma situação. Para tentar contornar essa insegurança eu passei a gostar da minha característica perfeccionista, porque isso me dava a ilusão de segurança necessária pra dar o...Read More
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