elt mantras

Revisiting ELT Mantras #7: ‘Real-world’ activitities

Humans (like all intelligent hunters) seem innately disposed to notice things which move rather than things which stand still. Cook, 2000 Don’t move a muscle. by Chris Isherwood CC-BY-2.0 It is often argued that the English language class should try to emulate the ‘real world’ as much as possible. Tasks and activities should reflect what...Read More

Revisiting ELT Mantras #4: Exceptions to the rule

Solo by Thomas Leth-Olsen CC BY-SA 2.0 Complete the following sentences: 1 Some is for positive sentences, and any is for negatives and questions. Except … 2 Present tenses refer to the present, and past tenses refer to the past. Except … How many exceptions to to the above ‘rules’ could you think of in,...Read More

Revisiting ELT Mantras #3: Visual learners need to see things, kinaesthetic learners need to do things.

Think of a baby. What is it you associate with it most – the smell? The sound of the baby crying? Perhaps you think about how it feels to hold a baby, or even just what it looks like? The chances are that most people reading this (assuming there’s more than one!) will have answered...Read More
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