
Bilingual education – the path to a new school

When Ofelia Garcia in her book Bilingual Education in the 21st Century – a Global Perspective  states that “bilingual education is the only possible education in the 21st century”, what does she mean by that? Is she saying that she envisages a future with only bilingual schools? Bilingual Education, for a lot of people, is...Read More

Assessment in CLIL and bilingual education: more than just language

EFL teachers that change into a bilingual education environment, often tend to forget that they are not teaching language as the primary goal anymore and that has dramatic implications. The acronym CLIL – Content and Language Integrated Learning – implies that there is much more to it than just language teaching. But what is there...Read More

The Bilingual Business in Times of Crisis

It is a fact that the crisis has arrived at schools in Brazil. There is usually a delay in the effect of the crisis on regular schools compared to other businesses, especially because parents resist to make any changes in their children’s education, unless there is no other option after they have cut all other...Read More
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