Marcela Cintra

“Dress for the job you want”: rethinking attitude at work

How many times have you said or heard the phrase “when I get the job/ promotion, I will…”? It is usually because in a different position one may have more time, money or opportunities. Depending on what we complete the sentence with it might make sense and reflect necessary conditions for a different action. However,...Read More

Authorship in teaching and learning

Discussing creativity in English language teaching and learning has definitely contributed to many of the changes we have already observed in our field – both in the classroom and in teacher education. However, some teaching contexts are definitely dependent on more controlled approaches – sometimes because of teachers’ beliefs, sometimes because of school programmes, parents’ influence....Read More

The AAA of feedback: towards constructive change

One of my favourite areas to research and study is feedback and the impact that the contribution of others have in teacher development. In this text I will focus on three different features feedback may take depending on tone, intention or professional relationship of those involved: affection, assertiveness and aggression. In general terms, Bill Gates helped us spread...Read More

Beyond our comfort zone

“A man’s mind stretched to a new idea never returns to its original dimensions.” This quote, attributed to Oliver Wendell Holmes, illustrates what happens with the learning mind: it will not be the same it had been before the new opportunities to grow. The new ideas may also refer to developing knowledge and/ or skills that are not necessarily directly connected to our area of expertise. As teachers, we aim...Read More

Mindset and teacher development

We have been discussing the importance of mindset and beliefs in education. The impact of the teachers’ confidence that their learners can achieve higher, as well as their thoughts about their own teaching to influence learning outcomes. Focusing on teacher development, here are some tips of what teachers can do and how leaders – trainers or managers...Read More

Developing professionalism – part 1

We have all been there: first day at work, first day in a new job, first day with new coursebook, new group, many ‘new’ situations throughout our careers. There will always be a first in our path and from my experience, the most successful moments have been those when I had the support from peers or leaders...Read More
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