Inside the 16th BTIC - an encouragement for developing teachers

Inside the 16th BTIC – an encouragement for developing teachers

This year’s international conference, that took place in Caxias do Sul, was, as expected, amazing. I was not sure I would be able to participate until the last minute, therefore I didn’t submit any papers, however, I had the chance of “relaxing” and enjoying the ‘backstage’. These types of conferences will surely provide you with a...Read More

Tips on the 16th BRAZ-TESOL International Conference in Caxias do Sul

This is a post for all of you who are planning to attend the 16th BRAZ-TESOL International Conference (16th BTIC) in Caxias do Sul, RS, in July, but don’t know where to start. In case you haven’t heard of the event, BRAZ-TESOL is the largest ELT association in Brazil and its international conference brings together...Read More

See you (present) in Caxias do Sul!

“Why don’t you present at the next BRAZ-TESOL event?” “Me? I have nothing to talk about.” “Of course you do. You do this, that, and the other.” “Oh, but everybody does that.” “No, not everybody does that… You’re taking your talents for granted.” “But no one will want to listen to me.” “Think again.” It...Read More
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