Arthur Damião Médici

Lessons I have learned from preparing students for graduate school proficiency exams

I have been helping students prepare for graduate school proficiency exams for as long as I have taught English. In fact, my very first private class, prior to even signing my first contract as a teacher, aimed to assist a friend in preparing for a master’s degree proficiency exam. This type of exam preparation differs...Read More

Como ajudar meus filhos com a tarefa de inglês?

Peço licença aos colegas professores, mas neste texto gostaria de me dirigir aos pais e responsáveis. Recebi essa pergunta do título ao longo dos últimos anos e faço questão de dar bastante atenção a ela porque vejo essa preocupação com muito carinho. Transbordam evidências na literatura mostrando que o engajamento parental em atividades escolares se...Read More

“Teacher-researcher”… What does that even mean?

We know what a teacher is. We know what a researcher is. But what happens when we merge these two concepts? Picture the following: you check your calendar to know what classes you need to teach this week. Then you check you class records to remember where you stopped and prepare for the next lesson....Read More

What do you need to know in a needs analysis interview?

Every student has a history with language learning. A mistake I’ve seen teachers (and institutions) make  is “ignore” that history while conducting needs analysis interviews. Not deliberately, of course. When a school or teacher interviews a prospective student (PS) to solely assess their language level and talk about administrative aspects, I’m sure they don’t mean...Read More

“Do you develop your own material…?”

“…or do you use a coursebook?” I’ve been asked this question several times this January.  I can’t say I’m surprised because recently I’ve seen independent teachers use authentic materials more often. Some have even taken a few steps further and developed a whole course material of their own… I wonder why that is. From an...Read More
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