
Idioms? Not my cup of tea.

I’ve always had a strange sense of foreboding when teaching idiomatic expressions. A while back I was teaching a lesson based on personality, and we ended up looking at some idioms: couch potato, wet blanket, backseat driver, chip on your shoulder, etc. We explored the meaning, did some practise, then discussed some questions about people we know...Read More

Revisiting ELT Mantras #8: 4 types of phrasal verbs

As a Native English-Speaking Teacher (NEST) who didn’t learn any English grammar at school, it wasn’t until I started training as a teacher and then teaching that I really started to get to grips with the English grammatical – and later lexical – system. In fact, I don’t think there’s ever been a point where...Read More

The hazy line between lexis and grammar

This post is a short account of two lessons I taught in 2002 which helped me to make sense of something I’d read about in the late 90s, but couldn’t get my head around. Not until then anyway. If you’ve been following me for some time, you know that I’m a big believer in experiential...Read More
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