
Sifriá Leieladim – Children´s library: a place for learning, fun and interaction

Having a children´s library in a school is an asset. Not all large schools nowadays have enough space to offer kids a room especially designed for them. Besides, it´s perfectly understandable that an empty room in a school is turned into a classroom.

We didn´t really have the room for the library in Colégio A. Liessin Botafogo but when one has a dream it comes true!  Some years ago our school was partially rebuilt to have a children´s library and Science lab.

Since the beginning the idea was to create an area for learning, fun, creation and interaction. The project involved not only having books in the three languages our kids learn: Portuguese, English and Hebrew but also DVDs and games. It also provides internet access.

Students start using the library when they´re 1 year old for storytelling time, watching cartoons and having handcraft work.

So our children´s library has become a space for acquiring language, interacting and creating in three different languages.

Here are some of the photos of activities developed there.

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Ana Beatriz Medeiros de Sousa

Bia Medeiros - I have been in ELT for over 30 years – teaching, coordinating, managing and training teachers. I am currently the coordinator of the English department of Colégio A. Liessin Scholem Aleichem Botafogo in Rio de Janeiro. I am very interested in understanding how students learn as I am also an Educational Psychologist. I will be blogging about different areas of the ELT world using the experience I have in Colégio A. Liessin. E-mail:

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