
ADHD students learning English – part 1

Teaching ADHD students can be a difficult task when teachers are not aware of some particularities.


ADHD children usually lack confidence. Therefore, they feel pleased when the teacher praises them. They also feel happy when their interests and abilities are acknowledged.


I read a paper in which Natalia Turketi mentioned that inattentive children would concentrate when she gave examples of some vocabulary related to the students while poiting at them.


The author also brought some suggestions to foster the language learning process of these students:

  • Find a pattern.
  • Make connections.
  • Develop personal interest.
  • Associate sth with pior experience.
  • Engage emotionally.
  • Practise it.


These are a great starting point. For next month, I intend to bring some more contributions.

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Antonio Coutelo

Antonio Coutelo - Graduated in Portuguese and English Languages by the Catholic University of Pernambuco (2009), holds an MSc degree in Language from the Catholic University of Pernambuco (2012) and is now pursuing his doctoral degree. He currently lectures at the Catholic University of Pernambuco and researches the following subjects: foreign language, English, deaf, teaching-learning and Brazilian Sign Language.

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