Language acquisition

Changing Places

I was recently asked to give a workshop on interaction patterns  It seemed that the teachers at the school were not using a sufficient variety of them, and that this was affecting the effectiveness of the lessons. This is not an uncommon criticism. I have lost count of the number of times in feedback that I have had...Read More

It’s complex, not complicated.

What is complexity theory and how does it accommodate up to date beliefs about how languages are acquired, and new approaches to teaching like task based learning and dogme approaches? Until recently, theories about language acquisition have been dominated by the cognitivists, such as Krashen, Long and Chomsky. The basic premise was that input would...Read More

Neuroscience and teaching English?

Hello! It’s good to be back after a couple of months (ok, maybe more 😉 ) away from the blog.  For the rest of this year, I’d like to consider the role of neuroscience in language learning and teaching. What is neuroscience and how is it interesting to language teachers? Are you interested in how...Read More

The Only Thing They Have to Fear is Fear Itself

Teaching adult beginner groups can be quite challenging, as most teachers (if not all)  who have such groups know. Each age group we teach has its specific challenges, and in my experience, when it comes to adult beginners the main challenges are time (they usually have little time to dedicate to English studying other than...Read More

What is ‘meaningful learning’?

Hello again! Many years ago I took a class in educational psychology and came across this quote from the cognitive psychologist, David Ausubel: “If I had to reduce all of cognitive psychology to one principle it would be this:  the most important single factor influencing learning is what the learner already knows.  Ascertain this and...Read More

Ahió Ahiá – Once upon a time

“For children, listening to a story is like opening a door to another world.” We all like listening to a good story! And we know that storytelling teaches children about the world and provides real-world social interaction. Through the storyteller´s words children internalize rhythms and tones  and through observation they are able to learn how...Read More
Stephen Greene

First vs Second Language Acquisition

This is my first blog for RichmondShare and I must say I am honoured, and a little bit in awe, to be sharing a platform with such great writers and professionals.  After reading some of the other posts already on this site the pressure is on to write something new, entertaining, interesting and relevant.  If...Read More
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