flipped classroom

Flipping the Classroom with Essential Questions

The most important single characteristic of the flipped classroom is the fact that classroom time is not used for content presentation, but rather for group discussions about students’ findings and further investigation. So, going back to the two questions I’ve asked on my first post, on the 6th of June, I believe we already have...Read More

The School of the 21st Century

Just like many readers of this blog, I was born and raised in the pre Google era. Actually, I am not sure there really is such a historical division, but I truly recommend one for those studying history. The world has dramatically changed after Google, and these changes have affected a lot of areas, including...Read More

Sharing Six Teaching Techniques – the last three

Hi! This month I want to finish sharing with you the remaining three teaching techniques I recently got to know as I searched the Internet for innovation. The idea is to create affordances in class so that students feel compelled to learn. Below I briefly refer to remaining three teaching techniques. The previous three were...Read More

Sharing Six Teaching Techniques – the first three

Hi! This month I want to share with you three teaching techniques I recently got to know as I searched the Internet for innovation. I wanted to provide more to my students. Although traditional teaching, with me in the lead role and students taking notes, is still important, I wanted to create affordances in class so...Read More

How To Flip Your Classroom – My Experience With 4th and 5th Graders

I stopped teaching English classes in 2009. I’d been teaching English for over 18 years and most of my students were elementary school kids (public and private). In that same year I started working online for an American company called Transparent Language, based in Nashua (New Hampshire). At first I wrote for their English, Spanish...Read More
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