
Alinhando Atitude, Autoconhecimento e Conscientização para o Crescimento Profissional no Ensino de Inglês

Bem-vindos à última postagem de nossa série que explora o modelo KASA (Knowledge,  Attitude, Skills and Awareness) de Donald Freeman como ferramenta fundamental para professores de inglês em busca de aprimoramento contínuo. Na primeira parte, exploramos a importância do conhecimento; na segunda, mergulhamos no mundo das habilidades. Agora, em mais uma postagem, vamos explorar dois...Read More

Making it Visible: Shedding Light on What Happens Beyond the Book

Multiple choice: Your kid came home singing in English and you: a) record a video and share it in the family group chat b) congratulate their English teacher c) believe the school’s bilingual program is a success d) try to find the song in the coursebook   A school is a place filled with stimuli,...Read More

Treinamentos (e certificados) não são suficientes para o Desenvolvimento Profissional de Professores de Inglês

Você certamente já conheceu algum profissional que participa de inúmeras oficinas, faz cursos incansavelmente e adora colecionar certificados. Muito provavelmente já deve ter ouvido alguns desses mesmos profissionais dizerem que não conseguem evoluir em suas carreiras como professores de inglês. Certo? O que várias pessoas não percebem é que, apesar de terem uma enorme dedicação...Read More

My Innovative Teaching Dilemma

Last month, we talked about the innovator teacher’s dilemma, and I would like to share my innovative experience with you.  I’m sure you have already heard of: Cross over teaching,  Teaching through smart boards, Flipped classrooms Collaborative Teaching Using Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)  Technology and innovative methods of teaching And more Are...Read More

The innovator teacher’s dilemma

Are you tired of listening or reading about how innovative teachers must be in the classroom? Especially now, during and after the covid-19 (years 2020 – 2021) when we were forced to reinvent ourselves and our classroom? Why are you tired of it? Maybe because it is tiring to be always looking for different ways...Read More

Online Lessons – Using Task-based Language Teaching – Part 3

The use of this current communicative approach is very common in the English lesson field. We always tend to use a task as the topic of the lesson and ask students to perform this task at the end of this lesson. As the name states TBLT, also known as TBI (task-based instruction) focuses on the...Read More

Online Lessons – Using Communicative Language Teaching  – Part 2

Coronavirus day 3.648: It feels like that, right? At least, it does for me.  Since this has all begun and we started teaching remotely, I have been re-reading all my academic books, trying to find various other approaches and/or methods for dealing with “emergency remote teaching” in a way that lessons will be meaningful, not...Read More

Online Lessons – Using TPR – Part 1

First of all, I’d like to send a warm hug to everyone who is reading this post. We have been living under stressful moments due to an emergency lockdown caused by the COVID-19. As you know, and based on your own needs, families require your full attention, exceptionally now. You are no longer “only” teaching...Read More
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