
4 ways to effectively motivate your students

Is it really possible to motivate students to learn English? The answer is YES! Some students have strong intrinsic motivation, they know what they want and work hard to reach it. However, most students learn English because they have to, they are learning English because of an external need and not because they want to....Read More

Using coaching-based questions to foster engagement in the classroom

In a coaching process, nothing is more effective and powerful than a coaching dialogue, profitable conversations prompted by the coach that can truly impact the coachee’s results. These compelling chats are usually guided by questions based on a coaching model such as GROW (Goal, Reality, Options and Will), for example: Goal: What is your goal?...Read More

Do English Language Teachers Need coaching? I do.

Images Credits: My previous post, Burnout in ELT  ( )  made me think of the theme Coaching for teachers, since it could be of good help to prevent burnout or, perhaps,  it could be included in the treatment of it. I have recently attended the 52th IATEFL Conference in Brighton and, to my surprise,...Read More

Innovation for Outstanding Schools: Teacher Development in Loco

Hi Everyone!   Spring begins in September – nature’s renovation season – perfect to start projects and put new ideas forth.   I expect to stir debate in the 1o Fórum de Profissionalização Docente, at Universidade Estadual de Londrina (Sept. 29th-30th), after presenting an innovative approach to teacher development.   Formação continuada refers to formal...Read More
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