
DIVERSITY TO INCLUSION: Balancing diversity to reach inclusion

BY DONNA FIELDS Welcome to RichmondShare. We’re looking forward to sharing with you the most innovative practices – methods you can use immediately in your online or your face-to-face lessons. Diversity is about all of us… …and about all of us having to figure out how to walk through this world together. Jaqueline Woodson Diversity:...Read More

STUDENT AGENCY: Raising Student Engagement Online

BY DONNA FIELDS We’re looking forward to sharing with you the most innovative practices – methods you can use immediately in your online or your face-to-face lessons. Unfortunately, most Ministers of Education today, are so concerned with science, technology, engineering and mathematics, and having test scores, that they forget that, at the end of the...Read More

Flipping your online lessons

By Russell Stannard Flipping your online lessons:  a global view of your online lessons Over the last five months, I have done a whole array of consultancy jobs supporting schools to deliver online language courses. These have been private language schools right up to language departments in universities. It has been a very tough time...Read More

My Innovative Teaching Dilemma

Last month, we talked about the innovator teacher’s dilemma, and I would like to share my innovative experience with you.  I’m sure you have already heard of: Cross over teaching,  Teaching through smart boards, Flipped classrooms Collaborative Teaching Using Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)  Technology and innovative methods of teaching And more Are...Read More

The innovator teacher’s dilemma

Are you tired of listening or reading about how innovative teachers must be in the classroom? Especially now, during and after the covid-19 (years 2020 – 2021) when we were forced to reinvent ourselves and our classroom? Why are you tired of it? Maybe because it is tiring to be always looking for different ways...Read More

“É melhor fazer aula com um falante nativo?”

“É melhor fazer aula com um falante nativo?” — pergunta o leigo. E hoje é com ele que vou falar. Você com certeza já deve ter visto cursos de inglês que anunciam aulas com professores nativos. Será esse de fato um diferencial? Vamos pensar aqui: se fosse o contrário e você fosse dar aula de português para...Read More

Jazzing it up: Lessons from Miles Davis for our professional development

As you will probably agree, inspiration comes from the most unusual places. Just now, I felt so moved by a Netflix documentary about the jazz genius Miles Davis that I had to come here and write about the lessons I believe his career may bring to our professional development as teachers.   “The Musings of...Read More

The challenges of being a bilingual teacher

As a teacher educator, I continually ask myself how to most effectively prepare teachers with professional knowledge and critical consciousness to engage in meaningful work with learners. Very recently, the new Guidelines for Plurilingual Education were approved and, according to them, teachers who teach through the additional language in Infant Education or Primary must have...Read More

Letramento em avaliação de línguas – como esse conhecimento pode impactar minha prática?

É fato que estamos sempre avaliando nossas ações e as atitudes que estão ao nosso redor em nosso dia a dia. Isso pode acontecer em uma conversa com uma amiga, na fila do supermercado, ao nos depararmos com a fatura do cartão de crédito ao final do mês e mesmo ao longo da leitura de...Read More
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