
Idioms? Not my cup of tea.

I’ve always had a strange sense of foreboding when teaching idiomatic expressions. A while back I was teaching a lesson based on personality, and we ended up looking at some idioms: couch potato, wet blanket, backseat driver, chip on your shoulder, etc. We explored the meaning, did some practise, then discussed some questions about people we know...Read More

Teachers Finding Self-Confidence for Becoming Digital Creators

In my daily job in education, I find the most talented and vibrant community of educators. Their very specific skills range from making, sometimes with hardcore engineering skills, to arts, with those amazing strokes of light and hope. Many, though, lack self-confidence. They perceive themselves as just one more in the crowd. Their talent is...Read More

Sharing Six Teaching Techniques – the last three

Hi! This month I want to finish sharing with you the remaining three teaching techniques I recently got to know as I searched the Internet for innovation. The idea is to create affordances in class so that students feel compelled to learn. Below I briefly refer to remaining three teaching techniques. The previous three were...Read More

Gostoso é aprender sem perceber!

Com que frequência você se depara com a afirmação que dá título a este post, ou com alguma de suas inúmeras variações, especialmente no contexto da divulgação de métodos de ensino e/ou aprendizagem? No que concerne à aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras, uma rápida pesquisa no Google logo comprova a presença dessa assertiva no discurso de...Read More
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