
From RLE To VLE – The Missing Extension?  

It goes without saying that we live in a world which is bombarded by information. I am not saying that is all bad, however, for some this may be too much, too soon and too frightening. This fast-moving evolution of information technology has brought about a new sort of ‘society’ which seeks for a full...Read More

Teaching with Translation: A Journey from L2 to L1 in the Classroom

Translation a skill that constitutes a real world demand, and yet, it is rather underrated in Brazil while it is broadly used in countries like Japan and China, for example.  Despite its disadvantages — such as giving students the false impression that there is always a one-to-one correspondence between L1 and L2, for example, it offers...Read More

Lost in Translation – O uso da tradução na sala de aula (Parte 2)

Olá a todos! Continuando minha última postagem sobre o uso da tradução na sala de aula (off topic – nesse meio tempo, entre um post e outro, acabei de traduzir um manual de RPG de 441 páginas… Ufa!), vamos a algumas dicas de possíveis utilizações com os alunos. Tradução requer, como praticamente tudo na sala de...Read More

When it comes to professional development, are you a soldier or a scout?

Soldiers stand their ground with all they’ve got. The enemies and their subversive ideas must not be allowed in. Death to the infidels! Grrrrr! Scouts are also important in a war, but they play quite a different role: they have to survey the land, learn what it is like, its obstacles and possibilities, taking reality...Read More

A (Brazilian) Portrait of PD for Teachers: From Dilemma Managers to Subjects of Practice and Knowledge

It’s been quite a long period of silence. In my last post I wrote about changes. One of those changes has to do with the fact that in my current job I have visited schools all over Brazil. I have been to rich and poor schools and I have met wonderful teachers with similar dreams...Read More

Five tips for getting the most out of conferences

Already thinking about the upcoming Braz-TESOL conference, last month I wrote some tips for successful conference presentations, and my dear colleague and friend Elaine Hodgson wrote about networking at conferences as a key strategy for success. This time around, I would like to focus on tips for successful conference participation, with a view to helping...Read More
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