
What should come first: CAE or CELTA? A B.A. or improving my language proficiency?

I’ll admit to having mixed feelings about this, but I’ve reached that age when I’ve turned into a kind of Agony Aunt to my younger colleagues and friends. The 20-somethings come to me with their career choices and, boy, do they ask difficult questions! Their fork in the road often goes along the lines of,...Read More

Being a NNEST in Brazil Today Part 2

  “Language doesn’t only represent or refer to social reality (…) it constructs social reality” Claire Kramsch, in “From Practice to Theory and Back Again.”                                                            ...Read More

What I’ve learned about learning from others

I’ve been thinking a lot about how much we can develop as professionals by being involved in the teaching community. Not surprisingly, the most important lessons I’ve had on teaching came from people, not books, but it wasn’t an easy process and I’d like to share some of lessons I’ve learnt from learning with others....Read More
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